A Sexagesimal table exhibiting... the result of any proportion where the terms do not exceed 60 minutes, also tables of the equation of 2d difference and tables for turning the lower denominations of English money... into sexagesimals of the higher... by Michael Taylor...


Auteur(s) de l'ouvrage
Michael Taylor
C. Nourse, London
Année d'édition
Ouvrage conservé dans
Bibliothèque scientifique

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Items with "Est le contenant de: A Sexagesimal table exhibiting... the result of any proportion where the terms do not exceed 60 minutes, also tables of the equation of 2d difference and tables for turning the lower denominations of English money... into sexagesimals of the higher... by Michael Taylor..."
Title Class
Vitrine de la Bibliothèque Scientifique Physical Object

Position: 2357 (2 views)